Système de Publication pour Internet


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  • |unique

    25 juin 2010, par MarkFilters
    The |unique filter (since spip) returns the value of the tag that is is applied to only if it is the first time that that tag is encountered. It is therefore applied to a tag located inside a loop. In order to differentiate several independent uses within the loop, it is possible to pass a (...)
  • |url_absolue

    25 juin 2010, par MarkFilters
    |url_absolue (since SPIP 1.8.2) works in the same way as the |liens_absolus filter, but is applied to a tag that returns a URL (e.g. #URL_ARTICLE or #URL_RUBRIQUE...). Examples: Filters
  • |url_absolue_css

    25 juin 2010, par MarkFilters
    The |url_absolue_css filter applied to a stylesheet file will transform all relative URLs into absolute URLs. Note that the |compacte filter employs this filter within its own processes. - Filters
  • |vider_attribut

    25 juin 2010, par MarkFilters
    The vider_attributattribut filter (since SPIP 1.9) is a variant of the inserer_attribut filter. It is used to delete html attributes. For example, we might want to reset an attribute before assigning it a specific value: [(#LOGO||vider_attributstyle|inserer_attributstyle,'width:100px;')] This (...)
  • |et

    25 juin 2010, par MarkFilters
    The |et filter [1] (since SPIP 2.0) is used to check the existence of both of two elements. Wikipedia offers a complete definition of the Logical conjunction. Examples: # [(#CHAPO|et#PS) There is a stand-first and a post-scriptum ] # [(#CHAPO|et#PS|non) There is not both a stand-first and a (...)


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