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Whether you sell costume jewelry or top of the line jewelry your customers are investing in it and it should be protected, organized and stored properly. Jewelry gift boxes are great for packaging jewelry, gift giving, and store use. The proper box for the piece will make it seem a little more luxurious and expensive. If a customer is going to spend the money to get a really nice gift for themselves or for someone else you will want to present them with the perfect way to present the gift.
Packaging Jewelry
Gift boxes are a great way to store jewelry. Whether for traveling or just tucked away at home, these containers are just the right size for the little pieces of jewelry to be stored in so they are not lost.
Gift Giving
A jewelry gift box is perfect for gift giving because it adds a special touch making the recipient feel even more special. You can't just toss a bracelet in the bottom of a gift bag and expect that the recipient will be excited when you hand her the bag, that's just not how it's done. A jewelry gift box helps to make the gift look special. What woman doesn't love being handed a little box ? They just know there is a fun surprise waiting inside for them.
Store Use :
Jewelry gift boxes are a great way to present your products and make them more eye-catching. You might have some other display options for jewelry such as counter top displays or necklace trees that many pieces can hang on. However, displaying the pieces in a nice box frequently shows off each individual piece more successfully.
Selecting the Right Boxes :
There are a vast number of jewelry gift boxes to choose from, recycled boxes, Kraft paper boxes, clear top, silver lined, and velour-covered, just to name a few. They come in all different sizes including bracelet, ring, necklace, pendant, and universal. They also come in all different colors black, white, brick red, deep purple, gold, silver and more.
To determine which boxes are best for you consider what products you sell. If you sell inexpensive costume jewelry then paper boxes with a bit of cotton padding in the bottom will be fine. If you sell high-end jewelry then you will want to purchase velour-covered metal boxes so that you will achieve an upscale look.
When selecting jewelry gift boxes remember that quality is important ; part of the reason you are purchasing the boxes is to assure customers that they are buying quality merchandise. If the boxes you put the products in are poor quality it will not speak highly of the merchandise in the box.