Système de Publication pour Internet


Les articles publiés sur le site

  • {id_article}

    25 juin 2010, par MarkCriteria
    id_article selects the article specified by the identifier id_article. Since the identifier of each article is unique, this criteria only returns one or no response. - Criteria
  • {id_auteur}

    25 juin 2010, par MarkCriteria
    id_auteur selects the articles that correspond to the author identifier (useful for specifying the list of articles written by a given author). It is important to note that an article may be linked to several authors at the same time. - (...)
  • {id_groupe}

    25 juin 2010, par MarkCriteria
    id_groupe=zzzz (since SPIP 1.4 ) is used to select articles linked to a keyword group; this is the identical principle to the previous type_mot , but since we are working here with an identifier (the group number), the syntax is correspondingly a "cleaner" one. [Note: This criteria can not (in (...)
  • {id_mot}

    25 juin 2010, par MarkCriteria
    id_mot selects articles that correspond to the keyword identifier ('mot' in french). This is often useful to indicate a list of articles that deal with a particular subject. - Criteria
  • {id_rubrique}

    25 juin 2010, par MarkCriteria
    id_rubrique selects the articles contained in the section ("rubrique" in French) identified by id_rubrique. - Criteria


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