Système de Publication pour Internet


Les articles publiés sur le site

  • |url_absolue

    25 juin 2010, par MarkFilters
    |url_absolue (since SPIP 1.8.2) works in the same way as the |liens_absolus filter, but is applied to a tag that returns a URL (e.g. #URL_ARTICLE or #URL_RUBRIQUE...). Examples: Filters
  • |url_absolue_css

    25 juin 2010, par MarkFilters
    The |url_absolue_css filter applied to a stylesheet file will transform all relative URLs into absolute URLs. Note that the |compacte filter employs this filter within its own processes. - Filters
  • |vider_attribut

    25 juin 2010, par MarkFilters
    The vider_attributattribut filter (since SPIP 1.9) is a variant of the inserer_attribut filter. It is used to delete html attributes. For example, we might want to reset an attribute before assigning it a specific value: [(#LOGO||vider_attributstyle|inserer_attributstyle,'width:100px;')] This (...)
  • |et

    25 juin 2010, par MarkFilters
    The |et filter [1] (since SPIP 2.0) is used to check the existence of both of two elements. Wikipedia offers a complete definition of the Logical conjunction. Examples: # [(#CHAPO|et#PS) There is a stand-first and a post-scriptum ] # [(#CHAPO|et#PS|non) There is not both a stand-first and a (...)
  • |xou

    25 juin 2010, par MarkFilters
    The|xou filter [1] (since SPIP 2.0) is used to check the existence of only one single element out of 2 possibles. Wikipedia offers a complete definition of the Exclusive OR. Examples: [(#CHAPO|xou#PS) Either there is a stand-first, or a post-scriptum, but never both] [(#CHAPO|xou#PS|non) There (...)


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