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  • |>={a}

    7 juillet 2010, par Mark — Filters, ,

    The |>=value filter returns "true" if the results of the tag to which it is applied is greater than or equal to "value". value can be numeric [1] (5, 18.2, 84,...), or alphanumeric [2] (abc, a word,...) For example : [(#TOTAL_BOUCLE) [(#TOTAL_BOUCLE|>=2| ?’articles’, ’article’)] in this section.] (...)

  • #SELF

    7 juillet 2010, par Mark — Tags, ,

    #SELF returns the URL of the called page, cleaned of any variables specific to running SPIP. #SELF (since spip) returns the URL for the current page. Any variables specific to running SPIP (e.g. var_mode) are deleted. Example : for a page with the URL : spip.php ?article25&var_mode=recalcul, the (...)

  • #PUCE

    7 juillet 2010, par Mark — Tags, ,

    #PUCE (since SPIP 1.5) displays a bullet point (which is what "puce" means here in French) by using a graphical image located at the site’s root directory. You can easily customise this bullet point image by creating an alternative "puce.gif" and storing it in the "squelettes" directory. - Tags (...)


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