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  • |affdate_mois_annee

    7 juillet 2010, par Mark — Filters,

    This filter is applied to dates to isolate and display only the date’s month name and year. |affdate_mois_annee displays the month and year according to the environment’s current language : "April 2005", "November 2003". |affdate_mois_annee is simply a variant of the |affdate filter. - Filters / (...)

  • |PtoBR

    7 juillet 2010, par Mark — Filters, ,

    The |PtoBR filter (since SPIP 1.0.3, SPIP 1.0.4, SPIP 1.0.5) transforms any paragraph jumps into simple line feeds, which makes it possible to "tighten up" page formatting, such as within a summary page. This filter also enables the occasional cancellation of the standardised framing mechanism (...)

  • |annee

    7 juillet 2010, par Mark — Filters, ,

    The |annee filter (since SPIP 1.0.3, SPIP 1.0.4, SPIP 1.0.5) displays the numeric 4-digit year of the date to which it is applied. (#DATE See also the |mois month and |jour (day) filters. - Filters / #DATE, annee


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