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    20 juillet 2010, par Mark — Tags, ,

    The #EMAIL_WEBMASTER tag displays the email address of the webmaster such as it was entered on the site’s configuration page. - Tags / #EMAIL_WEBMASTER, SPIP 1.5

  • |secondes

    25 juin 2010, par Mark — Filters

    The |secondes filter (since SPIP 1.2, SPIP 1.2.1) displays the seconds portion of the date to which it is applied. (#DATE The displayed results varies from 00 to 59. If the date to which the filter is applied does not contain any time information, e.g. ((#VAL2009-10-24), (...)

  • |minutes

    25 juin 2010, par Mark — Filters

    The |minutes filter (since SPIP 1.2, SPIP 1.2.1) displays the minutes portion of the date to which it is applied. (#DATE The display returned varies from 00 to 59. If the date to which the filter applies does not contain any time information, e.g. ((#VAL2009-10-24), the (...)


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