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  • |nom_mois

    25 juin 2010, par Mark — Filters

    The |nom_mois filter (since SPIP 1.0.3, SPIP 1.0.4, SPIP 1.0.5), when applied to a tag that returns a valid date, will display the common name of the month (January, February...). Example : for an article published on 22-01-2008, (#DATE will display "January". See also the |nom_jour (...)

  • |nom_jour

    25 juin 2010, par Mark — Filters

    The |nom_jour filter (since SPIP 1.0.3, SPIP 1.0.4, SPIP 1.0.5), when applied to a tag that returns a valid date, will display the common name of the day (Monday, Tuesday...). Example : for an article published on 22-01-2008, (#DATE will display "Tuesday". This filter can be used (...)

  • |taille_en_octets

    25 juin 2010, par Mark — Filters

    The |taille_en_octets filter (meaning "size in bytes" in French) converts a number of bytes (25678906) into a more explicit character string ("24.4 MB"). Example within a DOCUMENTS loop : #TITRE - #TYPE_DOCUMENT - (#TAILLE) will display "My document - JPEG - 82.6 KB" - (...)


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