Système de Publication pour Internet


Les articles publiés sur le site


    7 juillet 2010, par MarkTags, ,
    #LOGO_SITE_SPIP (since SPIP 1.8, 1.8.1) displays the site logo. This image can be modified from within the private space by clicking on "Configuration". Since SPIP 1.9, this tag returns the logo for the site (cf. IMG/siteon0.png) [1]. - Tags / #LOGO_SITE_SPIP, SPIP (...)

    7 juillet 2010, par MarkTags, , ,
    #MENU_LANG and #MENU_LANG_ECRIRE (since SPIP 1.7, 1.7.1 ): these tags generate and display a menu of languages that enable the visitor to view the current page in the visitor's selected language. The first tag displays the list of languages for the site; the second displays the list of (...)

    7 juillet 2010, par Mark, squirrelTags, , ,
    #URL_AUTEUR displays the URL address for the spip.php?auteurxxx page. When used in a AUTEURS loop, #URL_AUTEUR displays the address of the author's page: spip.php?auteurxxx (where xxx is the author's identifying number). Example of an AUTEURS loop, which when nested inside an ARTICLES loop, (...)

    7 juillet 2010, par MarkTags, ,
    #MIME_TYPE displays the MIME type of the file — for example: image/jpeg —, cf. Internet media type. - Tags / BOUCLE(DOCUMENTS), #MIME_TYPE

    7 juillet 2010, par MarkTags,
    #NOM_SITE_SPIP displays the defined name of the site. When SPIP has only just been installed, the default site name is "My SPIP site". To change it, you need to click on the "Configuration" menu item in the private zone and alter the text in the "Your site's name" field. It's probably a good (...)


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