Système de Publication pour Internet


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  • |ancre_url

    The |ancre_urltitle filter adds an anchor to the URL to which it is applied (or modifies the existing anchor attached to that URL). Example: [(#URL_ARTICLE|ancre_urlthe_selected_paragraph)] will produce the URL for the article suffixed by #the_selected_paragraph. - Filters / #URL_ARTICLE, (...)
  • |attribut_html

    7 juillet 2010, par MarkFilters, ,
    The attribut_html filter processes a character string to make sure that it can be used as an HTML attribute value without compromising the function of the code (i.e. it removes or "escapes" any characters that should not be used within such HTML attributes); for example, if we want to add a (...)
  • |balise_img

    7 juillet 2010, par MarkFilters, ,
    The |balise_img filter generates a full image tag (Filters / SPIP 2.1, balise_img
  • |choixsivide{ifyes, ifnot}

    7 juillet 2010, par MarkFilters,
    The |choixsivideifyes, ifnot filter is equivalent to the |?sioui, sinon filter. It accepts either one or two parameters: ifyes is the value to display instead of the filtered element if that element returns an empty value itself. ifnot is the value to display if the filtered element is not (...)
  • |compacte

    7 juillet 2010, par MarkFilters, ,
    The |compacte filter is applied to a CSS or JavaScript file[The file to which the filter is applied must have either ".js" or ".css" as its filename extension.]] and creates a compressed copy which is smaller than the original as it deletes all comments, empty declarations, unnecessary blank (...)


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