Système de Publication pour Internet


Les articles publiés sur le site

  • |concat{value1, value2, ...}

    7 juillet 2010, par MarkFilters, ,
    |concatvalue1,value2,... is used to concatenate one or character strings to the value of the function used as input. Example: Concatenate a customised extra field to the raw body text of an article and then run the standard SPIP cleaning filter with: #TEXTE*|concat"Introductory header to the (...)
  • |env_to_params

    7 juillet 2010, par MarkFilters, ,
    Retrieves the parameters passed to an audio or video model, and creates the correspondences for the HTML tag. Used in a model template file within a DOCUMENTS loop or inside an HTML tag, this filter, when specifically applied to the ENV tag: [(#ENV*|env_to_params)], will retrieve the parameters (...)
  • |couleur_*

    It is a good idea to first read the article titled: "Couleurs automatiques" in this documentation. |couleur_extraire The ||couleur_extraire (extract_colour) filter is applied to an image tag (logo, typographical image...) and returns the hexadecimal RGB value of a colour shown in the image. (...)
  • |couper

    7 juillet 2010, par MarkFilters, ,
    The |couper filter truncates a text after a certtain configurable number of characters. It attempts not to cut any words in half and removes any formatting from the text. If the original test is long than the truncated portion, then "(...)" will be added to the end of the extract to indicate (...)
  • |direction_css

    7 juillet 2010, par MarkFilters, ,
    The |direction_css filter is applied to a CSS stylesheet and replaces any occurrences of left with right and of right with left. Depending on the language of the environment, the filter therefore makes it possible to completely "invert" any such directional rules specified in a CSS file. This (...)


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