Système de Publication pour Internet


Les articles publiés sur le site

  • |entites_html

    7 juillet 2010, par MarkFilters, ,
    The |entites_html filter is applied to a text tag and will translate the HTML rendition of that tag by transforming into HTML entities any constituent characters that do not belong to the page's charset, as well as any ", . This is used to insert the text of a tag into a without causing any (...)
  • |extraire_attribut

    7 juillet 2010, par MarkFilters, ,
    The |extraire_attributattribute_name filter (since SPIP 1.8.2) is used to retrieve the value of a specific attribute from an HTML tag. For example: Suppose that the #LOGO_SITE_SPIP tag generates the HTML code: , In that case: [(#LOGO_SITE_SPIP||extraire_attributsrc)] (...) - Filters / (...)
  • |extraire_balise

    7 juillet 2010, par MarkFilters, ,
    The |extraire_balisetag_name filter is used to retrieve the first HTML tag with the name "tag_name" found within the the HTML source generated by the tag to which it is applied. Example: We are syndicating a photo blog site which systematically distributes a small commentary followed by a (...)
  • |fichier

    7 juillet 2010, par MarkFilters, ,
    The |fichier filter (since SPIP 1.4 ) can only be applied to a #LOGO tag. It returns the full access path to the file corresponding to the logo associated with the document. Examples: [(#LOGO_DOCUMENT|fichier)] might return "prive/vignettes/pdf.png" (for the standard thumbnail in SPIP), or (...)
  • |find

    7 juillet 2010, par MarkFilters, ,
    The |find filter is applied to an array to check the existence of a specific value within that array (table) The |find file is used to check the existence of a given value in the array to which it is applied: [(#GETmy_array|findthe_value|oui) This text will display if the value of "the_value" (...)


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